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The first few days after birth are the most critical time for newborn babies. During this period, premature babies require special attention because every ounce counts. The baby’s weight, length, and the related percentile curves must be obtained with great accuracy and precision. In addition, healthcare providers must be able to digitally document this data with minimal effort.

seca  727

EMR-validated baby scale with very precise graduation

$ $ 1,379.00*
Product Details
  • Basic
  • Advanced
  • Premium
Capacity20 kg
44 lbs
Graduation1 g < 6 kg > 2 g
0.1 oz
Net weight15.7 lbs
7.1 kg
Product width21.7 inch
551 mm
Product height5.9 inch
151 mm
Product depth12.6 inch
320 mm
Our Recommendation

Pediatric requirements carry weight.

The weight of a premature baby is a critical factor when determining their survival rate. During the first days of life, the baby's weight decreases as the body must first become accustomed to taking in nourishment via the mouth. At this time, the energy expenditure is higher than the energy intake.

After a few days, more energy can be taken in than is expended which causes the baby to gain weight. This effect can be seen only with the precise weighings of the seca 727 digital baby scale with wireless transmission, a specially developed scale for neonatology. The one-gram graduation on the 727 is the smallest graduation in the seca portfolio.

Another advantage includes the adjustable damping function that delivers precise measurements within seconds even if the baby fidgets. Nurses can easily read the LCD display even in the dimmed light of the neonatology unit.

The seca 727 transmits data automatically to a seca wireless printer or via the software seca emr flash 101 to an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system.

seca 727

seca  analytics 115

Medical PC software for diagnostic assistance

Product Details
  • Basic
  • Advanced
  • Premium
InterfacesFor usage in combination with seca medical devices USB port 2.0 or serial interface ( RS-232)
Screen1,024 x 768, High Color (16-bit), 32-bit (recommended)
Hard disk spaceminimum 1 GB
MemoryMinimum 512 MB RAM
Processor1.2 GHz or higher
Supported operating systemWindows (R) 10
Windows (R) 7 (SP1)
Windows (R) 8
Windows (R) 8.1
Windows (R) Server 2008
Windows (R) Server 2012
Windows (R) Server 2012 R2
Windows (R) Vista (SP1, SP2)
Windows Server 2008 R2
PeripheryDVD drive
Additional hardwareDVD drive
Our Recommendation

Simple and fast – all results captured in one step.

At the press of a key the seca analytics 115 PC software receives wireless transmission of weight and height data and stores the results in patient files.

Automatically generated percentile curves can be reviewed at any time and tracked to show their development. The data can also be configured and printed as specified by the user.

seca analytics 115