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Geriatric patients are often at a higher risk for malnutrition and their muscle mass begins to deteriorate as they age. Patients with impaired physical functions due to surgery or aging or face a greater chance of falling, which in turn increases the need for physical rehabilitation. To prevent malnutrition, patients must be monitored and weighed regularly to ensure that they are on the right track.

seca  676

EMR-validated wheelchair scale with handrail

$ $ 3,299.00*
Product Details
  • Basic
  • Advanced
  • Premium
Capacity360 kg
800 lbs
Graduation50 g
Net weight83.8 lbs
38.0 kg
Product width36.2 inch
920 mm
Product height44.1 inch
1,120 mm
Product depth45.3 inch
1,150 mm
Our Recommendation

Safe weighing – even when standing is difficult.

Body weight is the key factor for determining a patient's nutritional status. In geriatrics, the ideal product for this purpose is the seca 676 digital wheelchair scale with handrail and wireless transmission.

The low-profile platform and the stable handrail ensure easy access and a secure stance during the weighing process. A patient can also be weighed while seated in a wheelchair as the weight of the wheelchair can be stored in the scale and then deducted from the total weight. The display shows only the net weight of the patient, which can then be automatically transmitted to a seca wireless printer or via the software seca emr flash 101 to an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system.

When interpreting the weight of elderly patients, careful consideration must be given to disorders in fluid levels such as exsiccosis, edema, pleural effusions, and ascites, all of which can have a significant effect on weight.

seca 676

seca  analytics 115

Medical PC software for diagnostic assistance

Product Details
  • Basic
  • Advanced
  • Premium
InterfacesFor usage in combination with seca medical devices USB port 2.0 or serial interface ( RS-232)
Screen1,024 x 768, High Color (16-bit), 32-bit (recommended)
Hard disk spaceminimum 1 GB
MemoryMinimum 512 MB RAM
Processor1.2 GHz or higher
Supported operating systemWindows (R) 10
Windows (R) 7 (SP1)
Windows (R) 8
Windows (R) 8.1
Windows (R) Server 2008
Windows (R) Server 2012
Windows (R) Server 2012 R2
Windows (R) Vista (SP1, SP2)
Windows Server 2008 R2
PeripheryDVD drive
Additional hardwareDVD drive
Our Recommendation

Simple and fast – all results captured in one step.

At the press of a key the seca analytics 115 PC software receives wireless transmission of weight and height data and stores the results in patient files. All results of the body composition analysis made with the seca mBCA 514 are also captured.

With these data, changes in weight or body composition can be tracked over time, for example, as part of cachexia monitoring.

seca analytics 115