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Nelly Kress

Nutrition Consultant
Berlin, Germany

The personal patient printout I generate using the seca measuring station is the perfect basis for the first consultation. The following expert analysis with the seca mBCA 515 is an important part of my service for the patients and the most convenient way to evaluate their health status.


Dr. Leonardo Alemán Cruz

Director of the Centro de Rehabilitación del CIS La Pradera
Havana, Cuba

We have many patients in rehabilitation, where the predisposing factors are analysed, which are used to define the rehabilitation treatment and assess its effectiveness. Individualised physical rehabilitation is defined on a daily basis for a period of three months, and this includes an exercise programme for muscle re-education, deep oscillation and electrical stimulation. Before starting any rehabilitation treatment we carry out an analysis with the Seca mBCA and always after two cycles of rehabilitation, after every two months of treatment, we perform another body composition analysis. The effectiveness of the rehabilitation treatments is evaluated by conventional goniometry, electrical bioimpedance analysis after 30 seconds with the Seca mBCA equipment in the ‚Function/Rehabilitation‘ section; this shows that the Seca mBCA medical grade body composition analyser is a useful tool in the assessment of treatment, as it shows the improvement in the patient’s metabolic parameters.


Dr. med. Mariusz Teter

Body Composition Studies Laboratory, Chair and Department of Human Physiology
Medical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland

We bought a seca mBCA 515 multi-frequency compartmental body composition analyser from Vitako Sp. z o.o. for use in a research project. The seca mBCA 515 is made to a high standard and is easy to use. The touchscreen display is clear and logical, allowing data to be entered quickly and accurately. The integrated scales, which have a weighing capacity of up to 300 kg, are a very important feature. They enable body composition to be analysed in relation to exact measurements of actual body weight, and the eight fixed electrodes allow an accurate analysis to be made in only 19 seconds. The use of fixed electrodes means that the cost per analysis is very low. In view of these qualities and our preliminary evaluation based on use of the seca mBCA 515 in our research we are sure that it represents the future of body composition screening for healthy subjects and sportspeople as well as for patients. We recommend it.


Dr. Arnaldo Hurtado L.

Medical Nutritionist
Nutritional Media, Lima, Peru

For me, the seca mBCA is a diagnostic tool which, by means of a quick and easy scan, enables me to obtain very useful and precise results regarding a patient’s body composition. These details can tell me about a patient’s progress, whether the weight loss is healthy, the condition of the muscle mass, and the phase angle, which has a prognostic value in terms of health. Extremely useful for our bariatric surgery patients and overweight patients who are following a balanced diet.


Nandini Agarwal

Head of Technology
Mihtra Wellness Private Limited, Karnataka, India

The integration service of seca optimized our daily measurements and made our workflow seamless. It reduced user intervention considerably, by eliminating the need for double data entry, thereby, reducing user fatigue and subsequent data entry errors.