seca 459
Product Number 459 0000 009Panda bear Bao Bao for seca measuring stations and column scalesFurther details
$ $ 175.00* Plus delivery costsProduct Properties
- The cute little panda makes the measuring process more appealing and child friendly
- Quick and easy installation
- Easy to clean, with rounded edges
- Long durability through high-quality DIBOND® material
- Compatible with seca 703, seca mBCA 554, seca 777, seca 787, and seca 797
The little panda that makes pediatric weighing child friendly
The seca panda bear convinces even the most skeptical child to be weighed and measured. With the panda bear Bao Bao, seca measuring stations and column scales look friendlier in children’s eyes and the measuring process can be performed in no time.